Future Care’s Contact Center is the initial point of contact for our Caring for the Crew® Program. Future Care maintains a 24 hour, 7 day a week Contact Center, staffed by its First Response team, which handles all requests for the management of any medical incident, whether emergency or routine. These medically trained professionals receive the assignments directly from the ship owner and/or ship’s captain and depending on the nature of the request will refer the matter to one of our physicians or nurse case managers or respond to the request directly.
Emergency Services
Future Care’s First Response Contact Center is designed to respond swiftly to medical emergencies onboard ship. Ship’s Masters and land-based crew management personnel enrolled in our Caring for the Crew® Program are provided with our emergency response procedures and instructed to contact us immediately after the occurrence of an emergency medical incident. The sooner that Future Care can intervene with our First Responders and network physicians, nurses and/or related treatment providers, as needed, the more effective we can be in providing diagnosis and recommended treatment options to the Captain or ship’s medical officer. Once the seafarer is brought ashore we work with the crewman, his family, treatment providers, port agents, P&I Club and their correspondents, as instructed, to manage the quality, timeliness and cost of medical treatment through to a return to fit for duty status or maximum medical cure.
Routine Healthcare Services
Future Care’s First Response Contact Center is also designed to address requests for routine medical and dental treatment. When an examination and treatment ashore are necessary, our First Responders will steer care to an appropriate provider pre-certifying care and cost. Detailed instructions will be provided to the local agent and receiving medical facility regarding transportation, medical documentation and payment procedures, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted process to facilitate the seafarer’s examination within the vessel’s scheduled itinerary.
If the crewmember is examined and released Fit For Duty, Future Care will obtain the available medical documentation and provide a closing report, which will document the incident from its onset to closure.
Physician Advisory Services, Including Tele-Medicine at Sea
Future Care’s Physician Advisory Service is designed to respond to the specialized circumstances encountered in providing remote medical treatment to the injured or ill seafarer. Our 24 hour, 7 day a week Contact Center provides continuous and immediate access to our world-wide network of medically-trained first responders, physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals. Future Care’s telemedical program is based on the Company’s 24 plus years’ experience in managed health care, and over 15 years in formulating medical management protocols specifically designed for the maritime community’s special needs. It is aimed to provide physician diagnosis and treatment recommendations to the ship’s Captain or medical officer while at sea, as quickly as needed. The immediacy of shipboard remote treatment is invaluable in mitigating illness, treating injury and preventing unnecessary deviation or emergency evacuation.
Please explore our other services, summarized on our Caring for the Crew® Program page.